Thursday, May 25, 2006

DODO Memorial

dodo was my graduation gift to myself in year 2002 after i completed my honour year in UNSW. I wanted a pet dog but since I am living in an apartment that does not allow dog, I stop looking for one. However by chance at kino I came upon a book call "ferreting" and was surprise that they could be a domestic pet. I started searching the net for more information about them and wheather NSW allow pet ferret.

Found out that NSW has a ferret association where I could adopt baby ferret and thus I added my name to the waiting list. A few weeks later Justin called mentioning that some kid could not afford desexing his ferret name frankenstein and thus left her to the association. Justin say that she was very cute and friendly but already 8 months old and most people on the waiting list wanted a baby ferret and if nobody will adopt her, she will be put to sleep.

ZT and I drop by the association to have a look at frankenstein, and I immediately say we will adopt her, she was so cute and happy running around the garden. Justin taught me how to care for her what she like to eat and play.

The first thing we do is change her name from frankenstein to DODO, dont ask me how and why i choose that name.